August 26, 2019
March 26, 2019
Jang Haari Nahi, Jaari Hai - 27 March 1948 Balochistan
27 March 1948: Balochistan’s Occupation day
Since 27 March 1948, the Baloch nation has been observing 27 March Black Day to record their protest against the forcible and illegal occupation of Balochistan by Pakistan.
27 March 1948: Balochistan’s Occupation day
The annihilation of Baloch Nation
Balochistan Occupation Day – 27 March 1948
27 March, Pakistan Occupied Balochistan 27
March 1948 Pakistan occupied sovereign state of Balochistan: Hyrbyair Marri
The Baloch nation has been urging the civilised world to take notice of Pakistan’s war crimes and crimes against humanity following the illegal occupation of Balochistan.
The Baloch nation hopes that UN and the progressive democratic nations of the world will support the Baloch freedom movement for the restoration of Balochistan’s independence.
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We Support Freedom for Balochistan - US Colonel Ralph Peters
Ralph Peters, the American Military General and Strategic Thinker on Balochistan and Pakistan during a Congressional Hearing
Pakistan as an illegitimate state. It is a democracy only to the extent Pakistani military allows it to be. It is, in fact, a "miniature empire" and "an artifact of imperial age".
Balochistan an occupied territory that has been forcibly seized by Pakistan (an oppressor). US state Department's obsession to respect and defend Pakistan's borders and to treat them as inviolable as a "travesty".
Americans need to respect the Baloch Nation's yearn for freedom and their right of self-determination. Ralph Peters rightly calls US to "stop paying tribute money to the Pakistani pirates".
Balochistan has vast natural resources but it is poorest largely because of mineral loot by the Punjabi elite and Punjabi-dominated Pakistan Army. Pakistan Army has indulged in thousands of illegal extra-judicial executions and gross human rights violation in Balochistan.
We Baloch are fighting to eradicate this Islamic terrorism and to gain our Independent Balochistan for betterment of this Region.
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March 22, 2019
Wife of a Baloch guerrilla commander with Dragunov sniper rifle
A wife of Baloch guerrilla commander shooting the target with Dragunov sniper rifle somewhere inside the mountains of Balochistan
A wife of Baloch guerrilla commander shooting the target with Dragunov sniper rifle somewhere inside the mountains of Balochistan from u/DeraBugti
March 21, 2019
February 27, 2019
Karachi blackout because of Indian Army Fear
#KARACHI Right Now!
— Dera Bugti (@DeraBugti) February 27, 2019
Pakistanis are shit scared in Karachi, there are rumors of Attack by Indian Navy. @TarekFatah @MehranMarri #BalochistanIsNotPakistan #IndiaStrikesPakistan
Come On India. Attack them and finish this Terrorist Hub, They are shit scared
— Dera Bugti (@DeraBugti) February 27, 2019
February 26, 2019
We were Occupied and We Only Want Free Balochistan
"We were Occupied and We Only Want Free Balochistan" - Khan of Kalat, Balochistan
Historical Facts about Balochistan Is Not Pakistan
"We were Occupied and We Only Want Free Balochistan" - Khan of Kalat (#Balochistan)— Dera Bugti (@DeraBugti) February 26, 2019
Historical Facts about #BalochistanIsNotPakistan
February 21, 2019
A Baloch was being forced to say Pakistan Zindabad
A video recorded by puppets of Pakistan agencies, showing that two people (one is recording, other one is beating) forcing a Baloch elder man to say "Pakistan Zindabad", But saying for couple of times he bravely replied them what he wanted, he said "Dr. Allah Nazar Zindabad", and then they started beating and abusing him. These kind of incidents happens in Balochistan on daily basis, because as the whole world is aware of that this part of land is occupied by Pakistan since 1948.
February 15, 2019
Hyrbyair Marri Golden Words about Pakistani Punjabi Muslims
February 15, 2019: Baloch Leader Hyrbyair Marri marked these golden words for Punjabi Muslims after Pulwama, Kashmir attack, he said "Pakistani Muslim Punjabis calling me a traitor, actually they are the invaders and occupiers of my country Balochistan. I am defending my homeland from these plunderers; in fact, they are the real traitors and belong to that kind of breed of people, who helped British colonisers to occupy and split their own motherland, India into two parts."
Balochistan leader Hyrbyair Marri hits the nail on its head in analysing Pakistan's India policy that resulted in Pulawama
February 15, 2019: Balochistan leader Hyrbyair Marri Baloch hits the nail on its head in analysing Pakistan's India policy that resulted in Pulawama, Kashmir.
He tweeted on his Personal Twitter Account, that "Pakistan is playing with India like a basketball, and if it was the other way aroung, with Pakistan being the size and having the same strength as India, and India being the size of Pakistan, then India would have been a game of ping pong for Pakistan. My question is, for how long is India going to tolerate being bashed by Pakistan and turning the other cheek?"
He tweeted on his Personal Twitter Account, that "Pakistan is playing with India like a basketball, and if it was the other way aroung, with Pakistan being the size and having the same strength as India, and India being the size of Pakistan, then India would have been a game of ping pong for Pakistan. My question is, for how long is India going to tolerate being bashed by Pakistan and turning the other cheek?"

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