Type 2 diabetes occurs at the time when there is enough insulin present in the body, but the body is not able to utilize the available insulin. In order to treat the problem, there are many solutions available like exercise, diet regulation and medicines.
Exercise is said to be the best way to keep the diabetes under control and it is also the best way to remain secured for the disease. It has been found that 30 minutes exercise schedule was found to be quite hard for people and this is the reason that Vollard concluded that even a one minute exercise can work as a miracle in keeping the body protected from the type two diabetes.
In order to reach at the above given solution, Vollard and team enrolled volunteers and asked them to do sprint cycle for 20 seconds for three times per week. It was then found that there was 28% improvement in their insulin mechanism.
“To restock these after exercise the muscle needs to take up sugar from the blood. In inactive people there is less need for the muscles to do this, which can lead to poor sensitivity to insulin, high blood sugar levels”, said Vollard.
Vollard further affirmed that he is quite positive that the research will be able to help a lot many people as it is easy and beneficial.