
June 11, 2012

FBI file reveals Apple's Steve Jobs' kidnap fears

Apple’s late CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs was afraid that someone might kidnap his daughter Lisa.

He was also arrested in in 1975 over a ‘minor infraction’, basically failure to pay for a speeding ticket.
The revelations come off the back of Steve Jobs’ FBI file that was released last February. That file was put together by the FBI relating to the potential for Steve Jobs to be appointed to a post on the President's Export Council under George Bush Senior's administration. A further file was put together about Steve Jobs after a hoax bomb threat made against him in 1985.
When Jobs was interviewed in 1988 for clearance by the Pentagon, he was asked whether there were any ways that he might be susceptible to blackmail. He told the investigators that he had an illegitimate daughter and stated that: “The type of blackmail or threat that could be made against me would be if someone kidnapped [her].”

He thought it was possible that he could be blackmailed “primarily be for the purpose of money, not because I may have access to classified Top Secret material or documents.”