
June 10, 2012

PM’s Quetta visit waste of time: Jamil Bugti

ISLAMABAD: The son of slain Nawab Akbar Bugti, Nawabzada Jamil Bugti on Saturday reacted strongly to the recent visit of Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani to Quetta, saying his visit was a sheer wastage of time and money, as he repeated in his speeches what the rulers in Islamabad had been saying for years. “Gilani said certain foreign forces have their eyes set on precious resources of Balochistan. By saying this you can’t hide the deep sense of alienation among my people and history bears testimony to the fact,” said the Nawabzada during a chat with The News. “One wonders if the country’s chief executive and so-called interior minister know to this extent that certain outside elements are involved in disturbances, then who will take on them and when,” he said. Asked if it was so then who would bring any improvement in the explosive Balochistan situation, he said even a common man on the street knew as to who called the shots in the province and how helpless the civilian dispensation was on this count. “You would hardly find the chief minister staying in the province continuously for a week, as he prefers to spend most of his time in the federal capital, hundreds of miles away from his people.” The province, he pointed out, was witnessing unprecedented surge in uncertainty, anxiety and bloodshed, whereas those sitting in Islamabad were least bothered about it. When asked had the increased allocation of multi-billions (funds) under the new NFC been helpful in changing people’s life in Balochistan, he replied vehemently in negative. Jamil Bugti noted that there was no let up in what he called the military operation across Balochistan, kidnapping of political workers and recovery of mutilated bodies, and claimed things had rather aggravated in recent years. “Billions of rupees have been given to legislators, but these were for them not for a common native of Balochistan,” he maintained. Jamil Bugti was of the view that the NRO-propelled lot of so-called rulers lacked the commitment and will to deliver, and this was what people had experienced during these four years.